Escaped Bear still alive, confirms Aizawl Zoo

Update: 2024-06-22 09:54 GMT

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Aizawl, June 22: The Director and staff of the Aizawl Zoological Park have issued footage confirming that the bear that escaped from the enclosure on April 1, 2024, is still alive and is residing in the vicinity of the zoo.

According to sources, the officials from the zoo launched a massive search party since the bear escaped its enclosure in April. Whenever they received information of its sighting, they would follow the bear with trap cages and trackers, however, all these attempts have failed.

In the past few days, the zoo staff tracked the escaped bear using a thermal drone with night vision with which they managed to capture its image. The staff are certain that the bear’s location is just outside of the zoo compound, sources said.

On Friday night, the staff also confirmed that the bear was feeding on several ripe jackfruits inside the zoo and found several scratch marks on the trees.

It may be mentioned that Aizawl Zoological Park was alerted on April 1, 2024, that one of the bears escaped from its enclosure.

According to the Director of Aizawl Zoological Park, PC Laltanpuia, the strong winds in the early hours of April 1 led to the uprooting of a tree that fell inside the bears' enclosure, and one of the bears from the enclosure had escaped when it climbed out through the fallen tree trunk.

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