Update: 2021-01-23 12:00 GMT

Sanjoy Ray


Bharat Lal (Pankaj Tripathi), the owner of a musical band, decides to apply for a personal loan to expand his business only to discover that his ancestral property which he requires to mortgage to avail the loan has been usurped by his relatives by declaring him dead on paper.

Caught in a tricky situation where he is left to prove his own being, Bharat Lal, in his pursuit to set the record straight, finds himself entangled in awkward situations. How he rises to the occasion against all odds is precisely the story premise of Kaagaz.

Under the given circumstances, one can easily imagine how unique Pankaj Tripathi can be.
 The idea is to highlight the flawed administrative system in India, and the protagonist sets the mood from the word go and stays in his element till the very end. Although the plot is inspired by a real-life event, this is not the first time that such a story has been told. The movie reminds one of popular television series Office Office where ace actor Pankaj Kapur essayed a similar role.
 Despite this, here in Kaagaz,Pankaj Tripathi lends a fresh touch to the role of a common man who is left to run from pillar to post to prove his existence.

Directed by Satish Kaushik, the movie, currently streaming on Zee 5, creates situational humour in abundance with Tripathi coming up with yet another polished performance.
However, one felt, the story after a certain point in time, becomes predictable and lacks variation to some extent. Despite a story with huge potential, there are areas which remain unexplored. Over dependency on Tripathi to carry the movie on his shoulders could be easily felt, making the story-telling process somewhat one-dimensional. The at times nagging pace of the movie does not help either.

Satish Kaushik, who plays the role of an advocate, again shows his grip on comic timing. Monal Gajjar and Amar Upadhyay play their parts well.

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